Audit API in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Audit API in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    The Audit API enables you to view audit records generated by the platform.

    Listing Audit Records

    GET /api/data/audit

    Optional Query Parameters

    • user_id - (string) The ID of the user by which to filter events.
    • group_id - (string) The ID of the group by which to filter events.
    • target_kind - (string) The target_kind by which to filter events.
    • target_id - (string) The ID of the target object by which to filter events.
    • action_key - (string) The specific action key by which to filter events.
    • from - (timestamp in RFC3339 format) - A timestamp to return events newer than this time.
    • to - (timestamp in RFC3339 format) - A timestamp to return events older than this time.
    • order - (string) The field by which to order events. Valid values are: user_id, group_id, target_kind, action_key, ctime. This parameter defaults to ctime.
    • page - (integer) The page of results to display. The default is 0.
    • count - (integer) The number of records to return per page. The defaults is 20.


        "audit_events": [
                "id": "59de4bb09221034b071d83db64950d34",
                "user_id": "59790c0f1ab46239e59188bed540bfc7",
                "action_key": "login",
                "target_kind": "authenticate",
                "target_id": "59790c0f1ab46239e59188bed540bfc7",
                "time": "2017-10-11T16:49:52.758191Z"
                "id": "59e12813db0201953dfe7214c4750e88",
                "user_id": "59790c0f1ab46239e59188bed540bfc7",
                "action_key": "enable",
                "target_kind": "feature",
                "target_id": "disabled_live_harvesting",
                "time": "2017-10-13T20:54:43.14061Z"
        "total": 71,
        "page": 0
    • audit_events[].id - (string) The ID of the event.
    • audit_events[].user_id - (string) The ID of the user who initiated the event.
    • audit_events[].target_kind - (string) The type or category of the target.
    • audit_events[].action_key - (string) The specific action taken on the target.
    • audit_events[].target_id - (string) The ID of the target object.
    • audit_events[].time - (string) The timestamp of the event.
    • total - (integer) The total number of records matching the query.
    • page - (integer) The page number of the page of results.

    Retrieving a Specific Audit Event

    GET /api/data/audit/{id}
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the audit record to get.


        "id": "59e12813db0201953dfe7214c4750e88",
        "user_id": "59790c0f1ab46239e59188bed540bfc7",
        "action_key": "enable",
        "target_kind": "feature",
        "target_id": "disabled_live_harvesting",
        "time": "2017-10-13T20:54:43.14061Z"
    • id - (string) The ID of the event.
    • user_id - (string) The ID of the user who initiated the event.
    • target_kind - (string) The type or category of the target.
    • action_key - (string) The specific action taken on the target.
    • target_id - (string) The ID of the target object.
    • time - (string) The timestamp of the event.
    • additional_id - (string) Optional. This field may be present for some events that represent an ID of an additional object. For example, when adding a group to a location, the additional_id is that of the group.

    Listing Available Target Kinds and Action Keys

    GET /api/data/audit/filters


    The response is 200 with an array of objects.

        "target_kinds": [
                "name": "authenticate",
                "action_keys": [
                "name": "feature",
                "action_keys": [
                "name": "group",
                "action_keys": [
    • target_kinds[].name - (string) The name of the target kind.
    • target_kinds[].action_keys[] - (array of strings) The names of the action_keys belonging to this target_kind.


    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence