Categories API in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Categories API in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    Categories are a way of grouping items. They can be added, updated, and deleted through the Categories APIs.

    Category Object

        "item_id": string,
        "category": string

    Setting Categories for an Item

    PUT /api/data/v3/items/{id}/categories
        "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", ...]
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the item to set categories.
    • categories - ([]string) An array of category names to set on an item.


        "categories": [

    Response codes:

    • StatusCreated (201) - The category deleted successfully.
    • StatusNotFound (404) - No category was found by the specified ID.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (422) - The request is missing the category id.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Listing Categories for an Item

    GET /api/data/v3/items/{id}/categories
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the item to list categories.


        "categories": [

    Response codes:

    • StatusOK (200) - The category listed successfully.
    • StatusBadRequest (400) - The request was missing the item id.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Updating Categories for an Item

    This endpoint merges previous categories with additional categories for an item.

    PATCH /api/data/v3/items/{id}/categories
        "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", ...]
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the item to set categories.
    • categories - ([]string) An array of category names to set on the item.


        "categories": [

    Response codes:

    • StatusCreated (201) - The category was deleted successfully.
    • StatusNotFound (404) - No category was found by the specified ID.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (422) - The request was missing the category id.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Searching Categories

    GET /api/data/v3/search/categories?q={query}
    • {query} - (string) The search term for category names.
    An empty {query} returns all categories.


        "categories": [
                "category": "test-category1",
                "num_items": 23
                "category": "test-category2",
                "num_items": 39
                "category": "test-category4",
                "num_items": 12
                "category": "test-category5",
                "num_items": 90

    Response codes:

    • StatusOK (200) - The category listed successfully.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Category Items

    GET /api/data/v3/search/categories/{category_name}/items
    • {category_name} - (string) The name of the category for which to get items.
    An empty {query} returns all categories.

    Query Parameters

    • limit (default: 10, min: 1, max: 100)
    • offset


        "item_ids": [
        "next_page_token": ""

    Deleting a Category for an Item by Name

    DELETE /api/data/v3/item/{id}/categories/{name}
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the item to set categories.
    • {name} - (string) The name of the category to be deleted.


        "categories": [

    Response codes:

    • StatusAccepted (200) - The category deleted successfully.
    • StatusBadRequest (400) - The request was missing the item id or category name.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Adding Categories in Bulk to Multiple Items

    POST /api/data/v3/categories/bulk
        "items": ["item1", "item2"],
        "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", ...]
    • items - ([]string) A list of item IDs on which to add categories.
    • categories - ([]string) An array of category names to add to the items.


        "successes": [
                "item_id": "item1",
                "categories": [
        "failures": [
                "item_id": "item2",
                "error": "some error"

    Response codes:

    • StatusCreated (200) - OK. Check failures in the response for any individual failures.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (403) - Attempting to access one or more items to which you do not have access.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (422) - Bad input data.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.

    Removing Categories in Bulk From Multiple Items

    DELETE /api/data/v3/categories/bulk
        "items": ["item1", "item2"],
        "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", ...]
    • items - ([]string) A list of item IDs on which to remove categories.
    • categories - ([]string) An array of category names to remove from the items.


        "successes": [
                "item_id": "item1",
                "categories": [
        "failures": [
                "item_id": "item2",
                "error": "some error"

    Response codes:

    • StatusCreated (200) - OK. Check failures in the response for any individual failures.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (403) - Attempting to access one or more items to which you do not have access.
    • StatusUnprocessableEntity (422) - Bad input data.
    • StatusInternalServerError (500) - An unexpected error.