Comments API in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Comments API in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    The Comments API enables you to comment on any item in Wasabi AiR. The target item is defined by the target_type and target_id fields, which together can refer to any item. The primary use case is for commenting on items, where target_type is "item".

    Creating a Comment

    To create a comment, send a request:

    POST /api/data/comments
        "target_type": "{target_type}",
        "target_id": "{target_id}",
        "body": "{body}",
        "time_marker": {time_marker}
    • {target_type} - (string) The type of target (for example, item). This field annot be longer than 32 characters.
    • {target_id} - (string) The ID of the target. This field annot be longer than 32 characters. 
    • {body} - (string) The body of the comment to add. This field can be a variable size. Markdown is an acceptable input for body, although some HTML tags could be stripped if considered dangerous.  
    • {time_marker} - (string) Optional. A time marker in hh:mm:ss:ms format. This field can range from 00:00:00:00 to 99:59:59:99.


    The response is a JSON document with a single comment created. For example:

    	"id": "58bf31b6dd76f671d748346e2d701f60",
    	"target_type": "item",
    	"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    	"body": "Comment with time marker!",
    	"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:18:30.99403Z",
    	"author": {
    		"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    		"email": "",
    		"first_name": "John",
    		"last_name": "Doe",
    		"enabled": true,
    		"company_uid": ""
    	"deleted": false,
    	"time_marker": "00:04:23:87"

    Getting Comments

    To get a list of comments for a specific target type and ID:

    GET /api/data/comments?target_type={target_type}&target_id={target_id}&page={page_number}
    • {target_type} - (string) The type of target (for example, item).
    • {target_id} - (string) The ID of the target (usually UUID type).
    • {page_number} - (int) A zero-indexed page number.


    The response is a JSON document containing the page number, comments, and author information for each comment. For example:

    	"page": 0,
    	"comments": [
    			"id": "58bf31b6dd76f671d748346e2d701f60",
    			"target_type": "item",
    			"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    			"body": "Comment with time marker!",
    			"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:18:30.99403Z",
    			"author": {
    				"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    				"email": "",
    				"first_name": "John",
    				"last_name": "Doe",
    				"enabled": true,
    				"company_uid": ""
    			"deleted": false,
    			"time_marker": "00:04:23:87"
    			"id": "58bf31ef481ccf895a85a0e6eca63d54",
    			"target_type": "item",
    			"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    			"body": "Another comment...",
    			"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:19:27.676069Z",
    			"author": {
    				"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    				"email": "",
    				"first_name": "John",
    				"last_name": "Doe",
    				"enabled": true,
    				"company_uid": ""
    			"deleted": false,
    			"time_marker": ""

    Deleting a Comment

    To delete a comment:

    DELETE /api/data/comments/{comment_id}
    • {comment_id} - (string) A comment ID to be deleted.


    The response contains HTTP status 200 if deleting a comment is successful. Only the comment author and administrators can remove comments.

    Updating a Comment

    To update a comment, send a request containing fields from the original comment with a new body:

    PUT /api/data/comments
        "id": "{id}",
        "body": "{new_body}",
        "target_type": "{target_type}",
        "target_id": "{target_id}",
        "author": {
            "id": "{author_id}"
    • {id} - (string) The ID of the original comment to update.
    • {new_body} - (string) The updated body for the comment.
    • {target_type} - (string) The type of the target.
    • {target_id} - (string) The ID of the target.
    • {author_id} - (string) The only required field from the original author JSON field.

    Only the comment author and administrators can perform this operation.

    Sample Response

    	"id": "58bf328ab55f8b7b299d9734714aa1ba",
    	"parent_id": "58bf31ef481ccf895a85a0e6eca63d54",
    	"target_type": "item",
    	"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    	"body": "Modified comment.",
    	"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:22:02.851359Z",
    	"author": {
    		"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    		"email": "",
    		"first_name": "John",
    		"last_name": "Doe",
    		"enabled": true,
    		"company_uid": ""
    	"deleted": false,
    	"time_marker": ""

    Getting the Edit History of a Comment

    To get the comment history for modified comments, send a request:

    GET /api/data/comments/{comment_id}/history
    • {comment_id} - The ID of the comment from which to get the edit history.


    The response is a JSON document with all comment modifications, sorted by date. For example:

    	"page": 0,
    	"comments": [
    			"id": "58bf31ef481ccf895a85a0e6eca63d54",
    			"target_type": "item",
    			"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    			"body": "Another comment...",
    			"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:19:27.676069Z",
    			"author": {
    				"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    				"email": "",
    				"first_name": "John",
    				"last_name": "Doe",
    				"enabled": true,
    				"company_uid": ""
    			"deleted": true,
    			"time_marker": ""
    			"id": "58bf328ab55f8b7b299d9734714aa1ba",
    			"target_type": "item",
    			"target_id": "07690219bd7a33d2671531daa46c2b2d",
    			"body": "Modified comment.",
    			"ctime": "2017-03-07T22:22:02.851359Z",
    			"author": {
    				"id": "58bf3103d9eb050f98c9c0ec6f177111",
    				"email": "",
    				"first_name": "John",
    				"last_name": "Doe",
    				"enabled": true,
    				"company_uid": ""
    			"deleted": true,
    			"time_marker": ""


    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence