Full Text Search in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Full Text Search in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    To perform a full text search in Wasabi AiR, make the following request:

    POST /api/data/search
    	"query": "{query}"
    • query - (string) The text for which to search (see the Query Text section below for more information).

    Query Text

    To demonstrate the queries, assume you have two files. One file holds the content clever cat, and the other clever gray cat. To retrieve all files in which at least one of the search terms exist (OR), write the words in the query separated by a space and wrapped by quotes. For example, this query retrieves both files:

    	"query": "clever cat"

    To retrieve all files in which the exact term shows, maybe with additional words before or after, but not between (AND), write the words in the query separated by a space and wrapped by double quotes. Be sure to escape the inner quotes. For example, this query retrieves only the first file. The second file is excluded because gray is between clever and cat:

    	"query": "\"clever cat\""


    Refer to the Search API for an overview of the results.


    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence