Files Names Differ in Wasabi When Uploaded Using a Third-Party App
- 09 Apr 2024
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Files Names Differ in Wasabi When Uploaded Using a Third-Party App
- Updated on 09 Apr 2024
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How come the names of the files I uploaded using a third-party software app do not look the same in the Wasabi Console as they do on my computer?
Wasabi is an object storage service that works with third-party S3-compliant storage applications. Some of these applications utilize their own proprietary format and naming conventions when uploading files to Wasabi.
When viewing uploaded files on the Wasabi Management Console, you may see the file names and types that the third-party software application used to upload the files, instead of the naming convention you may have originally used when creating the files. In order to view / access a particular file that you are looking for, it is recommended that you utilize your third-party software application, rather than the Wasabi Management Console, to access and retrieve those files.