Paying Customer: Convert a Sub-Account Trial to a Paying Customer for Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Paying Customer: Convert a Sub-Account Trial to a Paying Customer for Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Article summary

    How do I convert a Sub-Account trial to a paying customer?

    1. Log in to Wasabi Account Control Manager ( as a Control Account Admin or Staff user and click on the Sub-Account that is being changed from trial to paid account:


    2. Scroll all the way down to "Trial information" section and click "Update Trial to Paid"


    NOTE: All Sub-Accounts will auto convert to paid accounts at the end of trial period.

    3. A pop-up will request to confirm the operation, click "Update"


    4. Once the above operation completes successfully, the trial state of the Sub-Account is removed and customer will start accruing charges for the storage and all trial specifications to the Sub-Account will be removed.

    NOTE: The On Trial column does NOT have a check box on it.