Creating an Invoice Based on Usage in Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Creating an Invoice Based on Usage in Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Article summary

    How do I create an invoice based on usage via Wasabi Account Control Manager (WACM)?

    Wasabi Account Control Manager ( allows users of the platform to access all of the invoices created based on storage consumed. The following article outlines how to use the invoice information and convert to a charge based on sub-account consumption. 

    If you currently are billed via Pay-Go or intend to bill your Sub-Accounts based on their Pay-Go consumption charges, you will need to begin by finding your Control Account Invoice. This invoice is essentially the master invoice for the account. All Sub-Account Sub-Invoices are rolled up into this Control Account Invoice. This invoice is located in your Wasabi Console Account. Please follow steps 1 and 2.

    If you currently are engaged in a Reserved Capacity Storage contract and intend to bill your Sub-Accounts based on their RCS consumption metrics or independently of Wasabi pricing, you will only need to use the data found in WACM. Please skip ahead to step 3.

    Step 1: Find Your Control Account Invoice Number

    1. Login to your Wasabi Control Account via console (


    2. Click on the 'Billing' menu button.


    3. Identify the Control Account invoice number.

    NOTE: This is an invoice number that is associated with this Control Account and the Invoice number will differ every month. 


    Please make sure that this invoice reflects the period you wish to bill for. Determine this by checking the "Period Start" and "Period End."

    Step 2: Pay-as-you-go Control Accounts

    1. Begin by logging into the Wasabi Account Control Manager platform ( 


    2. Proceed to enter the "Invoices" tab.


    3. Select 'Filter By' and select 'Control Invoice #'


    4. Enter the 'Control Invoice #' into the search bar and the select the number you are trying to find. 


    5. Once the 'Control Invoice #' has been set, change the date picker selection to 'All Time'. Your Control Invoice of choice should now appear. 



    6. Identify the Sub-Accounts you wish to invoice. 


    NOTE: Since Control Invoice # filter was set - only sub-invoices associated with the specific Control Invoice # will be displayed

    NOTE: Total charges displayed in this page do not include discounts. 

    7. Scroll right and capture the following charges per sub-account:

    • Active Storage Total Cost

    • Deleted Storage Total Cost

    • Minimum Active Storage Total Cost

    NOTE: All Pay-Go Sub-Accounts are subject to Minimum Active Storage charges, if applicable. 



    8. Aggregate all of these charges to create an invoice for that sub-account

        Monthly Sub-Account Costs Formula

    (Active Storage Total Cost) + (Deleted Storage Total Cost) + (Minimum Active Storage Total Cost)

    NOTE: These charges listed above are Wasabi MSRP price of $6.99/TB/mo.

    9. Create an invoice for your Sub-Account.

    Currently, WACM does not have the functionality to generate an invoice for you, so you will have to use your own billing methods to invoice your end-user. 

    Step 3: RCS Control Accounts

    RCS accounts have a fixed storage value based on their contract before overages are charged. RCS customers can keep track of their Sub-Accounts’ consumption by navigating to the Sub-Account tab and then to the individual Sub-Account.

    1. Begin by logging into the Wasabi Account Control Manager platform ( 


    2. Enter the Sub-Accounts tab and begin by selecting the Sub-Account you wish to calculate usage for. 


    3. Navigate to the “Usage” tab.


    4. Select a relevant date range or select your own using “Custom Range.”


    5. View the daily records and find the date with which you bill your customers for the month. For example, if you bill your customers at the beginning of the month for the previous month, select the last record of the previous month: The October 31st record for a November 1st invoice date will provide you with the most recent storage stats prior to invoicing.

    6. Aggregate storage amounts.

    For RCS accounts, calculating storage is as simple as adding ‘Active Storage’ and ‘Deleted Storage’ for a given day. 

    Monthly RCS Sub-Account Usage Formula

    (Active Storage) + (Deleted Storage) 

    NOTE: Sub-Accounts that fall under RCS are not subject to Minimum Active Storage charges. 



    7. Create an invoice for your Sub-Account.

    Currently, WACM does not have the functionality to generate an invoice for you, so you will have to use your own billing methods to invoice your end-user.