Restore a Sub-Account in Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Restore a Sub-Account in Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Article summary

    How do I restore a sub-account via Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    Wasabi Account Control Manager allows administrative users to restore a suspended sub-account. 

    1. Login to WACM platform (

    1. Click on the sub-account that needs to be restored; be sure that the status shows "Suspended". We recommend Filtering by Status and then selecting "Suspended" first (seen below).

    1. Scroll down to Sub-Account Information and click on mceclip3.pngand choose "Restore Account"




    1. Confirm the operation by clicking on "Restore"

    1. Confirm the account has been restored and note that the status has been reverted to "Paid Account"



    NOTE: Access to the sub-account will be fully restored at this point including s3 access/secret keys & console access.