Suspend a Sub-Account in Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Suspend a Sub-Account in Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Article summary

    How do I suspend a Sub-Account via Account Control Manager (WACM)?

    Wasabi Account Control Manager allows administrative users to suspend a wasabi sub-account 

    1. Login to WACM platform (


    2. Click on the sub-account that you wish to suspend:Screen_Shot_2022-03-15_at_4.10.04_PM.png

    3. Scroll down to "Sub Account Information" section and click on the mceclip3.pngand choose "Suspend Account"


    4. Confirm the operation by clicking on "Suspend"


    NOTE: Control account will continue to accrue charges for this sub-account. The data stored in the account is not affected by this operation, just access to the data is. 

    5. Once operation succeeds, account status will be updated to "Suspended"


    NOTE: Sub-Accounts access to wasabi console & all s3 access/secret keys will be suspended at this point. Restoration of the Sub-Account is required in order to re-instate access to the data stored.