- 17 Jun 2024
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Calamu With Wasabi
- Updated on 17 Jun 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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How do I use Calamu with Wasabi?
Wasabi has been validated for use with Calamu. Calamu provides protection where it’s most needed and most effective - onto the data itself. The patented Cyberstorage solution automatically encrypts and fragments your data into pieces, then scatters them across geographically dispersed locations - making nefarious access nearly impossible. To learn more about the Calamu + Wasabi solution, please refer to our joint solution brief. To use this product with Wasabi, please follow the instructions below.
1. Reference Architecture
2. Prerequisites
Calamu v 1.3
An active Wasabi account
A minimum of 4 buckets created in Wasabi console (3 for distribution locations and 1 for recovery locations). Best practice is to use geographically dispersed locations to maintain resilience. For the lowest latency, use locations closest to the computing resources utilizing Calamu.
3. Configuration
3.1. Log in to Calamu Console.
3.2. Navigate to Storage Locations.
3.3. In the Distribution tab, click on "+ New" to create a Wasabi Distribution Locations.
Distribution Locations are Storage Locations that will hold the file fragments.
3.4. Click on Wasabi. Provide the below details and click "Submit".
Access Key
Secret Key
3.5. Repeat the steps 3.2 - 3.4 until you have a minimum of Distribution locations.
Note: Each of these locations needs to be a separate storage bucket to maintain fragment segregation. Best practice is to use geographically dispersed locations to maintain resilience. For the lowest latency, use locations closest to the computing resources utilizing Calamu.
3.6. In the Recovery tab, click on "+ New" to add a Wasabi Recovery location.
Recovery Location(s) are pre-configured location(s) that will be used as a hot standby. If a location goes down or is compromised, Calamu will automatically self heal and distribute the files to the new location
3.7. Click on Wasabi. Provide the below details and click "Submit".
Access Key
Secret Key
3.8. The next step is to create a Data Harbor.
A Data Harbor is a collection of geographically and physically separated Storage Locations used to store data that has been fragmented into valueless pieces whereby no single location contains all of the fragments for the data to be reconstructed into its original form.
Navigate to Data Harbors and click "+ New" to add a Wasabi Data Harbor.
3.9. In the New Data Harbor dialog box, add Description and assign the Wasabi Storage Locations created earlier to the Data Harbor by selecting the desired Wasabi Distribution and Recovery locations created in steps 3.3 to 3.8.
3.10. To view the Wasabi Storage locations, return to the Dashboard.
To start using the Wasabi Data Harbor, Calamu customers can reference Calamu’s Knowledge Base and read articles on Vault Templates, Vaults, Calamu Connectors and File Explorer.
For additional help, please contact Calamu Support.
Web: https://www.calamu.com/support
Email: support@calamu.com