Limelight Networks CDN With Wasabi
    • 19 Jun 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Limelight Networks CDN With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use Limelight Networks CDN with Wasabi?

    Limelight Networks CDN is validated for use with Wasabi. rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" translate="no"N (Content Delivery Network) can be used with Wasabi cloud object storage as the origin storage to provide fast, available and secure delivery of streaming video and other digital content to devices everywhere.


    • Active Wasabi cloud storage account

    • Active Limelight CDN subscription

    • Active public domain with administrative permissions


    • All information provided below is using our test domain "", this will be associated with Limelight's CDN network.

    • The test domain is owned and managed by & we have admin rights to edit domain information such as DNS values to associate the domain with Limelight.


    Please follow the steps outlined below to configure Limelight CDN with your Wasabi storage.

    A. Upload content to Wasabi bucket

    Wasabi has verified many S3, FTP, FTPS clients for uploading data. Refer to our KBs for specific information on products/vendors Wasabi has been verified for use with. In order for the uploaded data to be delivered to a CDN vendor as Limelight, data stored on Wasabi needs to be enabled for public access. Here is how. 

    1. Enabling public access to specific objects - Refer to information here

    2. Enabling public access to all objects in a bucket - Refer to information here

    3. Enabling public access to all objects in a folder - Refer to information here

    For example, below is the bucket and the objects I intend to use for this test.


    B. Configure Limelight CDN

    1. Log in to the Limelight Control Center Portal at

    1. Click on Configure -> Caching and Delivery, and then click on '+ new' -> static content config as shown below. 

    1. Select the appropriate settings and enter your information in the fields as shown below:-

    1. Once all the required fields have been filled, click on Activate at the bottom of the page.

    1. Click on Continue. It will take about 15min for the configuration to be deployed through the Limelight network.


    C. Changes required at the DNS Hosting provider

    In our example, the public domain '' is held by GoDaddy hosting provider.

    1. Login into your hosting provider's portal and add a CNAME entry. See example below.

      • host -  wasabi

      • Points to - (CNAME provided by Limelight Networks)

      • TTL - 60 mins (can be different)


    D. Test the configuration

    At this point, you should be able to access the hosted content at the public domain URL via Limelight's CDN.

    1. Open a browser and type in the URL and include the object name at the end.

    1. If you go back to the Limelight Control Center, and click on Reports -> Traffic you can see details about the incoming requests and responses.



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