MFA to Access Wasabi Using AWS CLI
    • 26 Sep 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    MFA to Access Wasabi Using AWS CLI

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    Article summary

    How do I use MFA to authenticate access to Wasabi using AWS CLI?

    It is best practice to protect your account and its resources by using a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device. If you plan to interact with your resources using the AWS CLI when using an MFA device, you must create a temporary session. The steps below detail how you can achieve this for any user.

    1. Log into Wasabi Management Console and create a user.

    In this example, we are creating a user called "mfa-demo" and giving them Programmatic and Console access. You may decide whether or not to give Console access if that is not a requirement. Download the credentials file once the user is created and store it in a secure location, as we will be using these credentials later to configure AWS CLI.


    1. Design an IAM policy that will force the user to authenticate with MFA for any action.

    2. Open the Policies tab. Create a policy as per your requirements for the user. In this example, we are creating a policy called "policy-for-demo-user".


    Actual Policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Resource": "*"
    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Resource": "*",
    "Condition": {
    "Bool": {
    "aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "false"

    This policy only allows S3 actions on all resources if they are authorized through an MFA authentication both programmatically and through the Console.

    1. Once the user and policy is created, navigate to that user and attach the newly created policy to them.


    1. If not already installed on your system, install the latest version of AWS CLI.

    2. Use the credential file that you downloaded while creating a user in Step 1. Execute the command below to configure an MFA user's profile. Be sure to use your own Access Key ID and Secret Key ID.

    $ aws configure --profile 


    1. In the Console, navigate to your MFA-created user and activate virtual MFA using any of these tested applications.


    1. Once the MFA is activated for your user, copy the ARN of this user and store it in a secure location.


    1. On the CLI, run the sts get-session-token command. Replace the variables with information from your account, resources, and MFA device.

    $ aws sts get-session-token --serial-number  --token-code  --profile  --endpoint-url=

    You will receive an output with temporary credentials and an expiration time (default: 12 hours), similar to the following.

    "Credentials": {
    "SecretAccessKey": "secret-access-key",
    "SessionToken": "temporary-session-token",
    "Expiration": "expiration-date-time",
    "AccessKeyId": "access-key-id"


    You can specify an expiration duration (in seconds) using the --duration-seconds option in the sts get-session-token command, where the value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 129600 seconds (36 hours). If you are using root user credentials, the range is from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

    1. Edit the credentials file in the .aws folder in the home directory of the user to add a new profile configuration for issuing MFA-authenticated commands. Below is an example profile configuration.

      In this example, we are configuring a profile name as "mfa-demo-temporary".

      aws_access_key_id = example-access-key-as-in-returned-output
      aws_secret_access_key = example-secret-access-key-as-in-returned-output
      aws_session_token = example-session-Token-as-in-returned-output


    2. After the credentials expire, execute the get-session-token command again and export the returned values either to the environment variables or to the profile configuration.

      Consider running a script or a cron job in the background that checks for "expiration" from the output of get-session-token command, then prompting for re-authentication.

    3. To show the working of this authentication, we have uploaded an object to a Wasabi bucket with regular credentials and temporary sts credentials. Even though this user has complete permission to perform any S3 action, it will get denied due to the forced MFA policy. The operation is only successful when the temporary sts credentials are used, which is governed by MFA.


      Note that this code example discusses the use of Wasabi's us-east-2 storage region. To use other Wasabi storage regions, use the appropriate Wasabi service URL as described in Service URLs for Wasabi's Storage Regions.


    If you do not wish to use named profiles as demonstrated above, you may also use temporary credentials with environment variables.

    To use temporary credentials, export their values to environment variables using the following commands.


    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=example-access-key-as-in-previous-output
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=example-secret-access-key-as-in-previous-output
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=example-session-token-as-in-previous-output


    set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=example-access-key-as-in-previous-output
    set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=example-secret-access-key-as-in-previous-output
    set AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=example-session-Token-as-in-previous-output

    If you set the environment variables, be sure to unset them before making the get-session-token call again using these commands.


    If you prefer this approach, then you will not need to specify "--profile" argument in your commands.


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