Rubrik With Wasabi
    • 20 Jun 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Rubrik With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use Rubrik with Wasabi?

    Wasabi is a validated member of Rubrik's Technology alliance program and we have worked with Rubrik to certify our joint solution. This solutions brief describes how Rubrik can be used with Wasabi.

    Please NoteThe data restoration process is handled by your specific backup software application. As there are many potential variables that will affect your unique environment, it is strongly recommended that you seek the guidance of your backup software's technical support team in the event that you encounter difficulty, or have application-specific inquiries.

    NOTE: Rubrik's cloud data management software releases 4.2.2 and above are certified to be used with Wasabi. The testing below was conducted with release 5.2

    NOTE: Rubrik does not support migrating backup data from one object storage target to another. Please contact Rubrik support for more information.

    NOTE: Rubrik does not support the use of the Wasabi Ball. 

    Reference Architecture


    To use this product with Wasabi, please follow the configuration steps below.

    1. Log in to the Rubrik interface. Access "Archival Locations" from settings as shown below

    2. Click on the "+" in archival location

    3. Choose Object Store in the Archival Type dropdown and provide the variables

      Note: For the Rubrik application to integrate with Wasabi - the specific location must be identified in the URL, hence alone isn't supported. See the specific URL options below.

      • Archive Type: Use Object Store

      • Object Store Vendor: S3 Compatible (Basho, Cloudian, IBM, COS, IIJ, etc)

      • Access Key: use your Wasabi Access Key

      • Secret Key: use your Wasabi Secret Key

      • Host Name: Please use the location URL as listed here:

        • us-east-1 ->

        • us-east-2 ->

        • us-west-1 ->

        • us-central-1 ->

        • eu-central-1 ->

      • Bucket prefix = unique name (End bucket name on the Wasabi side will be {bucket-name)-rubrik-0)

      • Number of buckets = 1

      • Update the Archival Location Name (Optional — this corresponds to the name in the Rubrik GUI)

      • Add an RSA key for encryption and select "Add"


    4. The Wasabi bucket will now be displayed as an S3Compatible location under Archival locations.

    5. A bucket named rubrik-vm-archive-rubrik-0 will be created in your Wasabi account.

    6. To archive the VMs to Wasabi bucket, we will need to assign our S3-compatible archival location to the SLA Domain policy.

      Navigate to your SLA Domain policy and click on the three-dot menu (…) to Edit the policy.

    7. In the Edit SLA Domain window, navigate to the Set Archiving and Replication section.


    8. Enable Archiving and select the S3Compatible location from the dropdown menu and click Next and Update to update the SLA domain policy with Wasabi as the archival location.

    9. As per the SLA domain policy, the snapshots of the virtual machines belonging to the Bronze Domain will be stored on Rubrik for 30 days and then moved to the Wasabi bucket, rubrik-vm-archive-rubrik-0.
