S3Express With Wasabi
    • 20 Jun 2024
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    S3Express With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use S3Express with Wasabi?

    The S3Express command line utility for Windows is validated for use with Wasabi. The download for this tool can be found here. S3Express will be installed in its own folder under "Program Files", unless otherwise specified. Then click on the S3Express icon to start the command line utility. To use this product with Wasabi, please follow the config tips below.

    Note that this config example discusses the use of Wasabi's us-east-1 storage region. To use other Wasabi storage regions, please use the appropriate Wasabi service URL as described in this article

    S3Express can be launched by performing a search for it in the Start menu. The program defaults to using signature version 4 so you will want to change this as well as the endpoint url.  Use the setopt -endpoint command with your region's endpoint, followed by -useV4sign to toggle V4 off:

    />setopt -endpoint:s3.wasabisys.com -useV4sign:off Endpoint [default:s3.amazonaws.com] (-endpoint) : s3.wasabisys.com Use V4 signatures (-useV4sign) : off 

    Next, use the saveauth command followed by your public key, private key, and a name for your key pair.  Separate each field with a space.

    >saveauth 0123456789ABCDEFGH TH151N0TAr34l53cr3TK3y!1234567890ABCDEF wasabi
    S3 Authorization Saved.
    Name : wasabi
    Access Key ID : 0123456789ABCDEFGH
    Secret Access Key : TH151N0TAr34l53cr3TK3y!1234567890ABCDEF

    Once you have entered these credentials, you can begin uploading to Wasabi using S3Express.  You can use a simple command like 'ls' to test your connection to your Wasabi buckets.

    />ls Press 'Esc' to stop ... 
    Bucket: test-east-1 
    Bucket: backup-mac
    Bucket: arq-surface-backup 
    Bucket: fredbucket 
    Bucket: arq-bucket-west 
    Bucket: aws-walkthrough-bucket1 
    Bucket: backup 
    Bucket: backup-lenovoT470 

    To test an upload, use the put command followed by a file path and bucket name:

    put "C:\path\filename.ext"


    Note that your bucket needs to be located in the same Region as you set in the endpoint when you specified that earlier.

    Other commands and uses for S3Express can be found on their website.