CData Wasabi-Tableau Connector With Wasabi
    • 17 Jun 2024
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    CData Wasabi-Tableau Connector With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use the CData Wasabi-Tableau Connector with my Wasabi storage?

    CData is a software company that specializes in data access and connectivity solutions. CData offers a number of drivers specially designed to allow you to connect to Wasabi. In this article, we will be covering the Wasabi-Tableau Connector driver. The driver leverages real time data access and metadata discovery to provide you with the most up to date and accurate picture of your Wasabi footprint. E.g. See which of your users store the most data, see the largest or smallest objects in a particular bucket, etc. /p>

    NOTE: Make sure you are running Tableau 2020.3 or later. If you are not, please use this JDBC driver instead. You will also need Java 6 or above. 

    To begin, download the driver. 


    Run the 'Setup.jar' Java file. Follow the instructions provided. Select the location of the application and install. The connector should be visible immediately in Tableau.

    In the Tableau connection menu, a 'Wasabi by CData' option will be present. 


    Select this option and a connection string input option will appear. 


    Go back to your Finder or File Explorer, open the CData Wasabi-Tableau application folder, then the 'lib' folder, and run the 'cdata.tableau.wasabi.jar' Java file.


    Running this will open the CData Connection builder.


    Input your Wasabi Access Key and Secret Access Key of choice. Then, copy the Connection String to clipboard. Go back to Tableau. 

    Paste the Connection String that was built in the Connection Builder.


    Your string should look something like this, depending on the information you filled out in the Connection Builder. 

    Select 'Sign In'. 


    Here you'll have the option to build out sample data sheets once you select a Table. Using the pre-built tables will only show you a limited number of results, based on the first table that CData finds. In order to analyze your objects or buckets completely, select "New Custom SQL".

    Here you can query for exact information. E.g. All of the items in a bucket:

    SELECT * FROM OBJECTS WHERE Bucket = 'mybucket';

    Drag 'New Custom SQL' to 'Drag Tables Here', similarly to how you would drag any other table, and begin analyzing your data.

    If you have any further questions, consult the 'help.htm' file in the application files. 


    You may also choose to contact CData support by visiting:


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