RCS Storage: Assessing RCS Storage as a Governance User for a Control Account
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    RCS Storage: Assessing RCS Storage as a Governance User for a Control Account

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    How does a Governance user assess RCS storage for a Control Account?

    If you have a WACM account, log in to the platform here: https://wacm.wasabisys.com/en/wasabi/auth/login

    In Wasabi Account Control Manager's Account Governance feature, RCS storage is assessed similarly to the way a Control Account would calculate RCS storage. Please follow the steps below:

    1. On the first of the month after 3pm EST, navigate to the Sub-Account tab and identify the Sub-Accounts of that Control Account that you would like to calculate RCS storage for. Screen_Shot_2022-03-16_at_11.21.20_AM.png

    2. Select the appropriate date range, with today's date being the end date. 

      Please Note: This does not have to be done on the first of the month. The end date just needs to reflect the first of the month, for the invoice period you are looking for. 

    3. Export the data for these accounts.

    4. Simply add up Active and Deleted storage for these accounts.

    The number you are left with is equal to the RCS storage for these accounts. Compare this to your RCS storage values allocated to each of these accounts.