Location Kinds API in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Location Kinds API in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    Your Wasabi AiR instance may include some or all of the supported location kinds, described below.

    Getting a List of Supported Location Kinds

    Each instance of Wasabi AiR may be configured with different locations. The following API call gets a list of supported kinds in your system:

    GET /api/data/v3/location-kinds

    Example Response

    	"location_kinds": [
    			"id": "s3",
    			"name": "AWS S3 Object Storage",
    			"description": "S3 & Compatible Object Storage (AWS Simple Storage Service (S3))",
    			"configuration": [
    					"field": "access_key_id",
    					"name": "Access Key ID",
    					"type": "text",
    					"placeholder": "Paste Access Key ID here",
    					"required": true,
    					"is_secret": false
    					"field": "secret_key",
    					"name": "Secret Key",
    					"type": "text",
    					"placeholder": "Paste Secret Key here",
    					"required": true,
    					"is_secret": true
    					"field": "region",
    					"name": "Region",
    					"type": "text",
    					"placeholder": "Paste Region Name here, Ex: us-west",
    					"required": false,
    					"is_secret": false
    			"editable": true
    			"id": "azure",
    			"name": "Azure",
    			"description": "Microsoft Azure Blobstore",
    			"configuration": [
    					"field": "account",
    					"name": "Storage account name",
    					"type": "text",
    					"placeholder": "Paste account name here",
    					"required": true,
    					"is_secret": false
    					"field": "key",
    					"name": "Access key",
    					"type": "text",
    					"placeholder": "Paste access key here",
    					"required": true,
    					"is_secret": true
    			"editable": true

    Supported Kinds Configuration

    Each location kind has configuration requirements. All configuration objects are objects with string values.

    Amazon S3

    Name: "s3"


    • "access_key_id" - The access key ID from Amazon S3.
    • "secret_key" - The secret key used to access the buckets.
    • "region" - The name of the region of the S3 storage.

    Dell EMC ECS

    Name: "dell"


    • "access_key_id" - The access key ID or user ID.
    • "secret_key" - The secret key used to access the buckets.
    • "endpoint" - The endpoint for the service.

    Google Cloud Storage

    Name: "google"


    • "json" - The Google Cloud Storage account JSON blob.
    • "project_id" - The project ID.

    Local (Disabled by Default)

    Local storage refers to pre-mounted file systems, such as local hard drives.

    Name: "local"


    • "path" - The absolute path to a directory.

    Microsoft Azure Blob Store

    Name: "azure"


    • account - The Azure account name.
    • key - The API access key from Azure.

    OpenStack Swift

    Name: "swift"


    • "username" - The username to access the storage.
    • "key" - The access key.
    • "tenant_name" - The name of the tenant in Swift.
    • "tenant_auth_url" - The authentication URL.


    Oracle uses its flavor of the OpenStack Swift API.

    Name: "oracle"


    • "username" - The username to access the storage.
    • "password" - The password to access the storage.
    • "authorization_endpoint" - The URL of the authentication endpoint to use when connecting to the storage.

    Remote (disabled by default)

    Remote storage refers to network-attached file systems, such as NFS or CIFS.

    Name: "remote"


    • "source" - The path to the network-attached storage.
    • "type" - The type of file system that should be mounted.
    • "options" - The comma-separated list of type-specific mount options.

    Types and Options

    Wasabi AiR uses the mount command to connect to remote mounts. Types are operating-system and kernel-dependent, but the most common options are ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, btrfs, vfat, sysfs, proc, nfs and cifs.

    For more information, refer to the mount linux command.