Wasabi Management Console
    • 02 Jun 2023
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    Wasabi Management Console

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    Article Summary

    What's new in Wasabi Management Console?

    Public Access

    New customers can no longer automatically make buckets or objects publicly accessible. If you are a new customer and are interested in allowing your objects to be publicly accessible, reach out to Wasabi Support (support@wasabi.com).

    Bucket Replication Redirect

    Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager (WCSM) is now accessible via the Wasabi Console by clicking the Bucket Replication option on the main Wasabi menu.

    Note: This feature is available only for paid subscribers, and you must be logged in as Root user.

    Object Lifecycle Management

    The Object Lifecyle Management feature establishes a Lifecycle policy with rules to define actions that you want Wasabi to take during the life of an object. This feature replaces the need to manually delete an object after a retention period. Buckets that are versioned or previously versioned are eligible to use this feature.

    In the Wasabi Management Console, notice the Lifecycle tab in the Settings for a bucket:

    Here is an example of the Lifecycle feature screen:

    Advanced Security Options

    Options have changed for Advanced Security Options on the Wasabi Settings menu.

    If you have MFA enabled on your account, an MFA code will be required to save changes made for advanced security. If you do not use MFA with your Wasabi account, you will see a warning that encourages you to enable MFA to protect your advanced security options.  

    In addition, you can now prevent deletion of your Wasabi account if you have non-empty object lock (OL) buckets within the account. For example:

    Sub-User and Root User Password Reuse Limit

    Compliance-focused users can now increase the number of times a previous password is prevented from reuse. The sub-user and Root user password reuse limit has been increased to 25 times.