Monitoring Data Management Statistics With Wasabi Cloud NAS
    • 26 Aug 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    Monitoring Data Management Statistics With Wasabi Cloud NAS

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    Article summary

    Monitor Cloud NAS in the Configuration

    You can view per-source statistics about the number of files managed by WCN and their overall size.

    1. Select a source in the left pane of the Wasabi Cloud NAS Configuration interface. You can view the percentage of replicated data per source on the bottom right pane.
    2. Click the Statistics button. 

    The Wasabi tab above provides statistics about files inside the source:

    • Total number of files and their size
    • Size and number of unprocessed, excluded, pending, replicated, and failed files
    • Number of files and their size on the disk of the source
    • Number of files and their size, which have been reclaimed on the source

    Data status:

    • Unprocessed – displays all files that are not yet replicated or queued for replication, and not in an excluded location on the source 
    • Pending – displays all files queued for automatic replication, but without any copy on the bucket 
    • Modified – displays all files queued for automatic replication that have a copy on the bucket, but are modified on the source 
    • Replicated – displays all files that have copies both on the source and the bucket, except reclaimed files and files in excluded locations 
    • Reclaimed – displays all files that have copies only on the bucket i.e. replicated files replaced by stubs on the source 
    • Excluded – displays all files that are not automatically managed by Cloud NAS and that you can replicate and reclaim only manually 
    • Failed – displays all files that could not be replicated. These files are not automatically queued for replication until you restart Cloud NAS (for more information, refer to Manage Files That Have Failed to Replicate).

    The following file types are excluded from replication:

    • Folders that are explicitly excluded by the global replication policy.
    • Files that reside in the following folders:
                DS_Store file
    • Regular files that have an OFFLINE flag and are not Wasabi files.
    • Files and folders that are encrypted (right-click Properties->General->Advanced…->Encrypt contents to secure data).

    Monitor Data in the Cloud NAS Explorer

    The Cloud NAS Explorer allows you to browse your data filtering it by source, data status and bucket tier. Once you apply the filters you want to use, the right pane of the Cloud NAS Explorer displays all files in the browsed path that match the filters you have applied. The files are listed alphabetically in descending order. You can save the list of any browsed path as a text file. You also perform bulk operations on a selected file or all files in a selected source/folder. 

    Additionally, you can open any browsed path directly in Windows Explorer and manage the files there.

    By default, you can use two pre-defined filters: 

    • "Show failed files” - opens the Cloud NAS Explorer displaying all files on all sources the replication of which has failed. 
    • “Show pending files” - opens the Cloud NAS Explorer displaying all files on all sources queued for replication. 

    By default, these pre-defined filters use “Flat Listing” meaning that to view all failed or pending files in a selected source you need to browse its hierarchical structure. If you remove the “Flat listing” filter, selecting a source in the left pane displays all failed or pending files from all sub-folders of the source in the right pane. 

    You can filter data displayed in the Cloud NAS Explorer, applying any of the following combinations: 

    • Source – select to display data on just one source, just selected sources or all sources. 
    • Data status: 

    Unprocessed – displays all files that are not yet replicated or queued for replication, and not in an excluded location on the source 

    Pending – displays all files queued for automatic replication, but without any copy on the bucket 

    Modified – displays all files queued for automatic replication that have a copy on the bucket, but are modified on the source 

    Replicated – displays all files that have copies both on the source and the bucket, except reclaimed files and files in excluded locations 

    Reclaimed – displays all files that have copies only on the bucket i.e. replicated files replaced by stubs on the source 

    Excluded – displays all files that are not automatically managed by Cloud NAS and that you can replicate and reclaim only manually 

    Failed – displays all files that could not be replicated. These files are not automatically queued for replication until you restart Cloud NAS (for more information, refer to Manage Files That Have Failed to Replicate). 

    • Flat listing: 

    Selected – displays just the files in the root of the selected folder. To view files in any of the sub-folders you need to browse them in the left pane. 

    Cleared – displays all files in the selected folder and all its sub-folders in the right pane, without having to browse the hierarchical structure of the source.

    Note: The statistics about the number of new, modified, replicated and failed files in the status bar at the bottom of the Tiger Bridge Explorer displays the total numbers about a selected source. 

    To filter data displayed in the Tiger Bridge Explorer: 

    1. Right-click the Tiger Bridge tray icon and click either “Show failed files” or “Show pending files”. 

    2. In the Tiger Bridge Explorer, click Settings. 

    3. Select or clear the desired check boxes and click OK. 

    To save a list of the filtered results:

    1. Right-click the Tiger Bridge tray icon and click either “Show failed files” or “Show pending files”. 

    2. In the Tiger Bridge Explorer, click Settings and apply the desired filters. 

    3. In the left pane of the Tiger Bridge Explorer, navigate to the desired source or any of its sub-folders to display the filtered results in the right pane.

    4. Click “Save to text file” and choose where to save the list.


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