My Profile in Custom Cloud Console
    • 12 Dec 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    My Profile in Custom Cloud Console

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    Article summary

    Members can manage their member profile settings including selecting a language, changing their password, and enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

    Language Settings

    Language settings including Italiano, Deutsch, Portuguese, and Francais are available from the Language drop-down list in the main menu. 

    My Profile

    1. Click the circle with your initials in the window's upper right and then click Settings

      The Profile page is displayed. 

    2. Change profile information.
    3. Click Update.

    Changing a Password

    1. Scroll down to the Change Password section.
    2. Enter your Old Password (current password).
    3. Enter a New Password.
    4. Confirm the new password by entering it again in the Confirm Password field.
    5. Click Update.

    Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    1. Scroll down to the Multi-Factor Authentication section.
    2. Click Turn On.

    3. Scan the QR code or enter the key into your Multi-factor Authentication application. Google Authenticator and Authy are currently supported.

    4. Enter the one-time password from the Authenticator application.

    5. Click Enable to complete MFA setup.

    To log in going forward, you will be required to enter a code from your Authenticator application.