Policies In Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage
    • 04 Jun 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Policies In Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage

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    Article summary

    What is a Policy?

    Each user and group can be associated with one or more policies to define the actions that a user or group member can perform and the conditions under which those actions can take place. You can attach a policy to a user, group, and/or role.

    You can create up to 1000 policies per account.

    You can attach a policy to a bucket. This is described in Bucket Policy.

    Wasabi provides predefined policies that you can attach to a user, group, and/or role. These policies are:

    • AdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM and S3) with no limitation whatsoever.
    • AmazonS3Full Access—Gives full access to all S3 resources, but no IAM access.
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions on any S3 resource/bucket, but no IAM access.
    • IAMUserChangePassword—Gives the user permission to change his/her password upon initial sign in.
    • ManageWCSM Replication—Gives the user permission to manage Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager (WCSM) replication features. 
    • WasabiAdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM  and S3) with no limitation whatsoever. This is similar to AdministratorAccess, above.
    • WasabiFullAccess—Gives full permissions to all S3 resources and sign in permissions to users.
    • WasabiManageEventNotifications—Gives the user permission to manage event notifications. 
    • WasabiModifyBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to modify the billing access portal.
    • WasabiReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions to all S3 resources and login permissions to users.
    • WasabiViewAuditLogs—Gives the user permission to view and download the audit logs.
    • WasabiViewBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to view the billing access portal.
    • WasabiViewEventNotifications—Gives the user permission to view event notifications.
    • WasabiWriteOnlyAccess—Gives just the Put and MultipartAbort permissions to all S3 resources, but no IAM access. The user cannot sign in with just this policy attached.


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