Supported Use Cases With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager
    • 10 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Supported Use Cases With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager

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    Article summary

    Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager (WCSM) can be used to migrate data from hyperscalers, or other S3-compatible cloud storage or on-premise object storage providers, to Wasabi.

    Use Cases NOT Suitable for WCSM

    The following use cases and requirements are not a good fit for migration using WCSM. However, Wasabi is looking to support them in the future.

    Migrating Data Between Buckets in Different Continents

    WCSM migrations are most cost-effective when performed between source (hyperscaler or S3-compatible) buckets and Wasabi buckets that are in the same region. Migration between buckets in different continents, while technically feasible, leverages the internet for transfer thereby decreasing performance and incurring much higher data egress charges from the hyperscaler.

    Veeam Data Migration to a Bucket With Object Lock Enabled

    WCSM can migrate any type of data whether it is from a standard bucket or an object locked bucket. However, the Veeam backup application requires the Object Lock settings to be applied and corresponding data to be uploaded through the Veeam application. Hence, it is not currently recommended to use WCSM to migrate Veeam data to a bucket that has Object Lock enabled.

    You can migrate Veeam data to a standard bucket without any incompatibilities.  

    Migrating Rubrik Backup Data

    The Rubrik application requires all data to the cloud to be uploaded through the Rubrik backup application. Hence, Wasabi does not recommend using WCSM to migrate Rubrik backup data.

    Migrating Versioned Buckets

    WCSM can migrate the latest version of an object to a bucket (with versioning enabled). However, the version IDs on the replica bucket will be unique and will not match the source bucket version IDs.