Utilization Metrics
    • 02 Feb 2023
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    Utilization Metrics

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    Article Summary

    Wasabi Account Control Managers pulls in usage metrics once per day at both a per-bucket and per-account level. These records are stored indefinitely in our systems and can be retrieved on demand. The metrics available are:

    "activeStorage": 30.76953311259,
    "deletedStorage": 0,
    "storageWrote": 0,
    "storageRead": 0,
    "activeObjects": 31507,
    "deletedObjects": 0,
    "egress": 0,
    "ingress": 0,
    "apiCalls": 0,

    activeStorage is made up of the objects you are currently storing. These metrics are reported in TB.

    deletedStorage is made up of the objects you have deleted that have not satisfied the minimum storage duration policy. These metrics are reported in TB.

    activeObjects is the number of objects that are active associated in the account/bucket as of midnight UTC at the time the calculation was made. This number is the total objects under storage and NOT new objects uploaded that day.

    deletedObjects is the number of objects that are deleted associated in the account/bucket as of midnight UTC at the time the calculation was made. This number is the total objects under storage and NOT new objects uploaded that day.

    storageWrote, storageRead, egress, ingress, apiCalls, are all API activity related and reflect activity done between the specified time period on that day. That is to say, they are not cumulative across days, like storage metrics are. storageWrote and storageRead metrics are reported in TB. egress and ingress metrics are reported in GB.

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