What are Wasabi’s SAM.gov Unique Entity ID and CAGE Code?
- 28 Aug 2024
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What are Wasabi’s SAM.gov Unique Entity ID and CAGE Code?
- Updated on 28 Aug 2024
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What are Wasabi’s SAM.gov Unique Entity ID and CAGE Code?
The Unique Entity ID (UEI) is a 12-character, alphanumeric ID assigned to a registered entity by the United States System for Award Management (SAM.gov). Entities must register to do business with the United States Federal Government.
The Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE code) is a unique five-character, alpha-numeric identifier assigned by the United States Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). A CAGE code is assigned to an entity when registering with SAM.gov, and is mandatory if the entity wishes to pursue United States Federal Government contracts or grants.
For more detail on Wasabi's UEI and CAGE code, visit SAM.gov and CAGE. To request Wasabi’s UEI or CAGE code, contact us.