What is the difference between Amazon S3 and Wasabi?
    • 28 Aug 2024
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    What is the difference between Amazon S3 and Wasabi?

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    What is the difference between Amazon S3 and Wasabi?

    Wasabi is designed to be 100% bit-compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3. Any storage application that uses AWS S3 can also use Wasabi without any code changes to the storage application.

    Both Wasabi and Amazon S3 offer high durability: 99.999999999% (11 × 9s). However, there are several important price and performance differences:

    • Price: Wasabi charges roughly 1/5th the price of AWS S3 for storage and has a much simpler pricing model. Wasabi only charges for storage. There are no additional charges for egress or API requests.

    • Performance: Wasabi has higher sustained read and write speeds. In addition, with Wasabi, the time to first byte is less time when compared to AWS S3.

    • Immutability: A Wasabi bucket can be made immutable at the time of creation. This setting protects data from accidental or malicious deletion or overwriting, bugs in application software, and hackers. It is an important component in HIPAA, CJIS, FINRA, and other regulatory requirements. This Wasabi approach to immutability is simple in contrast to a more complicated AWS S3 approach.

    For a short comparison of AWS S3 and Wasabi, watch Wasabi vs. Amazon S3.