Wasabi Account Control Manager Overview
    • 20 Dec 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Wasabi Account Control Manager Overview

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    Article summary

    What is Wasabi's Account Control Manager?

    The Wasabi Account Control Manager (WACM) is a hosted platform that allows you to centrally manage Wasabi cloud storage accounts in a multi-tiered environment.

    WACM harnesses the power of the Wasabi Account Management API and presents it as an easy-to-use graphical user interface.  This solution can be used to cut your Wasabi implementation time down to minutes instead of days and offers a simple to use graphical interface to setup your accounts right away to get users up and running faster, with less backend complexity.

    NOTE: Reach out to Wasabi support (support@wasabi.com) with any questions or suggestions about the product.

    VIDEO - Learn more about the Wasabi Account Control Manager in a Deep Dive video here!

    Please find an aggregated and sectioned list of all of our WACM articles below. 

    Sub-Account management:

    1. How do I create a Sub-Account in the trial phase?

    2. How do I change a Sub-Account trial?

    3. How do I convert a Sub-Account trial to a paying customer?

    4. How do I restore a sub-account via Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    5. How do I suspend a sub-account via Account Control Manager?

    6. How do I import my sub-accounts into Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    7. How do I filter for sub-accounts with Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    8. How do I delete a sub-account from Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    9. How do I use Purchased Storage and Storage Utilization in Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    10. How do I manage Sub-Account Utilization Tracking and Notifications in Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    User management:

    1. How do I manage Wasabi Account Control Manager User Profiles? 

    2. How do I change users roles in Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    Invoice & data management:

    1. How do I access historical invoices for a sub-account via Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    2. How do I export data from Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    3. How do I create an invoice based on usage via Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    4. How do I use the Date Picker in the Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    5. How do I hide Invoices in the Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    Account management:

    1. How do I activate MFA for Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    2. What happens to my Wasabi Console Account after my Wasabi Account Control Manager account is provisioned?

    3. What are my options before I terminate use of Wasabi Account Control Manager?