Account Types and Glossary for Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 21 Feb 2025
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Account Types and Glossary for Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    WACM Account Types

    WACM account types define the account's primary purpose and reflect the tabs presented on the navigation bar in the WACM console. The account types you can access will depend on your tier and user permissions. 

    The following table begins with the Governance Account, the most inclusive (governing) account level.

    Account TypeDefinitionProduct Access
    Governance AccountA Governance Account is the top-level account in the WACM hierarchy. It contains multiple Control Accounts. A Governance Account is procured through Wasabi Sales and the WACM AG product. With WACM AG capability, you can have a “single pane of glass”—one area—to manage multiple Control Accounts. A Governance Account can manage any tier of account.
    Control AccountA Control Account is the second level in the WACM account hierarchy. A Control Account consists of a paying Wasabi account and a related Wasabi Console account with your billing information. A Control Account can manage Sub-Accounts and Channel Accounts.
    Channel Account

    A Channel Account is the third level in the WACM account hierarchy. It is optional and can provide third-party access to WACM. Created by the Control Account user, a Channel Account user can create Sub-Accounts that belong to the Channel Account. A Sub-Account cannot see any other Sub-Accounts. Channel Accounts do not have a Wasabi Console Account and only manage other Sub-Accounts.

    Sub-AccountA Sub-Account—the fourth level in the WACM account hierarchy—is synonymous with a Wasabi Console account. By creating a Sub-Account, you will provide an end user with access to a Wasabi Console account. A Sub-Account is the main account that creates billing/utilization records for all higher-tiered accounts.
    AccountAn Account is the Wasabi Console Account signed up through the Standalone Sign Up page. An Account is not attached to your WACM account and is not billed through your account. If you have the capability to create a Standalone Account, it will appear on the Standalone Accounts tab in the WACM console.

    Glossary for WACM

    Account EmailEmail of the sub-account.
    ActiveIndication that the sub-account is active and either On Trial or being billed as a Paid account.
    Active ObjectsNumber of objects classified as Active Storage in the given period.
    Active StorageStorage made up of the objects you are currently storing.
    API CallsNumber of API calls made to Wasabi.
    Channel AccountA single account with one or more sub-accounts. It is attached to a single control account and enables only the provisioning of sub-accounts. (Note that all sub-account usage rolls up to the parent control account.
    Control AccountThe Wasabi partner account that manages channel accounts and/or sub-accounts. It is a contract with Wasabi for a single product and a single payment method.
    Control InvoiceThe rolled-up invoice that represents the amount of storage consumed by all non-Trial sub-accounts.
    Creation DateDate that the sub-account was created.
    Deleted ObjectsNumber of objects classified as Deleted Storage in the given period.
    Deleted StorageStorage made up of the objects you have deleted.
    Egress (GB)Data egressed from Wasabi in GB.
    NameName of the sub-account. This is based on the name you assign when filling out the Create Sub-Account field.
    StatusIndication of the sub-account status as On Trial, Paid, or Suspended. If the account is On Trial, you will see a colored countdown. If the account is Paid, this column will be green. If the account is Suspended, this column will be gray.
    Sub-AccountAn individually provisioned Wasabi storage account. This account has access to the Wasabi Console but does not have access to WACM.
    SuspendedA sub-account that no longer accrues charges. The data is frozen but made available again if the sub-account is unsuspended. Suspension is a manual action taken on the Account Information page.
    Trial ExpirationDate and time that the trial expires, which is displayed if the account in On Trial.
    Trial QuotaStorage quota of the trial, which is displayed if the account is On Trial.
    User ProfilesThree types of user accounts for employees of the partner to oversee their sub-accounts: Control Account Admin, Control Account Staff, and Control Account Viewer. These are all provisioned at the Control Account level and each has different permissions on WACM.