- 05 Jun 2024
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Multi-Part Uploads With Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage
- Updated on 05 Jun 2024
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How does Wasabi handle multi-part uploads?
Wasabi supports the AWS S3 API multi-part upload capability to segment a large file into separate parts that are automatically reassembled as a single file when the file transmission is done. The benefit of this approach is that a large file can be uploaded more efficiently and, in the event of a file transmission failure, the storage application can resume uploading with the part that failed (rather than starting at the beginning).
For an explanation of how multi-part upload works in the S3 API, review Uploading and copying objects using multipart upload. Wasabi adheres to the approach described in that document with the following exception.
Wasabi supports the AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload
lifecycle action to configure a lifecycle policy that will delete aborted multi-part(s) after a specified time. You may configure this for any bucket by creating a Lifecycle Rule (Lifecycle tab of Settings for the bucket).

This example sets a deletion time of 3 days:

How are aborted multi-parts handled?
Aborted multi-parts occur when a multi-part upload begins but is not completed due to a planned event (the sending application intentionally stops the multi-part upload) or unplanned event (the transmission of the part is unexpectedly interrupted). Wasabi, like AWS, currently bills for the storage associated with uncommitted multi-parts (aborted or abandoned) as long as they are kept in the system as active storage (30 days).
An incomplete multi-part object is charged as “active” storage for the first 30 days from creation. After 30 days, it is considered to be “deleted” storage based on the retention days set in the billing plan. For example:
If you have a 30-day minimum retention plan, uncommitted multi-parts are charged only for active storage for 30 days. After that, you are not charged for deleted storage.
If you have a 90-day minimum retention plan, uncommitted multi-parts are charged for active storage for 30 days. After 30 days, you are charged for deleted storage for the next 60 days.