Advanced Global Settings
    • 15 Nov 2023
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    Advanced Global Settings

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    Article Summary

    The Advanced button is available to set additional global parameters.

    1. In the left pane of the Wasabi Cloud NAS Configuration interface, click Global Settings.
    2. In the right pane, click the Advanced button.

    Advanced settings are displayed:

    Set options, as appropriate:

    • CPU threshold — Prevents the CPU consumption of the Cloud NAS service from staying at or under the value set here. Enter a value up to 100.
    • Threads count — Increases the threads used for WCN service. Enter a value up to 32.
    • Copy cloud object on rename — Renames every cloud object to be consistent with its local name. Note that each object is renamed individually, which means that when you rename a single file, one cloud operation will be made. But when you rename a folder with one million files (in any subfolder) in it, a total of one million operations will be made. Disabling this setting will make rename handling faster but the object will be displayed with the name originally uploaded with it.
    • Show reclaimed file as offline — By default WCN will present the files that are reclaimed (nor present locally) with the Windows offline attribute set to allow applications to properly distinguish objects that are not immediately available. Most applications do not care but some may not work correctly if this attribute is set. In this case, this option has to be disabled (unchecked). If the option is disabled, a reclaimed file is indistinguishable from a normal file by any application.
    • Synchronous folder population — Forces WCN to wait until the folder metadata is fully populated before returning a call from an application asking for folder content on a folder that has not yet been populated with metadata. The default is asynchronous, which is much faster because the population is done in the background. However, this may produce wrong results for applications that scan the file system (backup applications, for example).