    • 23 Feb 2024
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    Article Summary

    When bucket logging is enabled, a text log file will be maintained of all access to the bucket. This provides details about the types of access requests made, request resources, and the date/time of processed requests. You can enable bucket logging:

    • While creating a bucket, as described in Bucket Logging
    • After a bucket has been created (that is, for an existing bucket displayed in the Buckets list), as described below
    Use logging cautiously because when logging is enabled, all log files are saved. This means the costs could be high, eventually, as log files are stored. For additional information, refer to: wasabi.com/pricing

    Enabling/Disabling Bucket Logging

    1. On the Buckets list, clickfor the desired bucket.
    2. Select Settings.
    3. On the PROPERTIES panel, open the Logging drop-down (if it is not already open).

    4. Slide to enable the Enable Bucket Logging option. The slide option appears blue when enabled.
    5. Select a Target Bucket in which to store log files. Click the down arrow to select from a list of target buckets. 
    6. Enter a Logging Prefix to include in the log file name. Each log file will start with the characters you enter.

    7. Click Save Settings to confirm your settings.

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