Replication Cutover
    • 04 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Replication Cutover

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    Article summary

    If you are a Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager (WCSM) user, this article is for you!

    Wasabi is excited to announce that all object replication functionality will be available in the Wasabi Console and API. As a WCSM user, this is what you saw:

    And this is what you will see with the Replications feature in Wasabi Console:

    What are the benefits of Replications moving to the Wasabi Console? 

    In addition to the convenience of having your replication management and storage in the same interface, you will have:

    • Ability to filter replication jobs by object tags.
    • Ability to filter replication jobs by a prefix.
    • Improved performance. 
    • Automatic bi-directional synchronization. 
    • Ability to use replication with Wasabi's S3-compatible Wasabi API. 

    Replications in the Wasabi Console will be available to some customers starting December 1. Object replication is simple to use, requiring only a few clicks. Before you know it, your data in one bucket will start replicating into another of your Wasabi buckets.

    Do you have existing replication jobs in WCSM?

    There may be steps you will need to take to ensure all of your replication jobs successfully move to the Wasabi Console and API. Over a two-week period (December 1-14), Wasabi will move existing WCSM replication jobs out of the Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager and into the Wasabi Console. You will receive a notification letting you know if you need to take any action on your replication jobs.

    The versioning status must match both the source and destination buckets. If either your source or destination bucket is not versioned, Wasabi will convert it so they are both versioned.

    On December 14, 2023, you will be able to see and manage your replication jobs from within the Settings for your source buckets in the Wasabi Console. This is explained in detail in Object Replication.


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