General Advanced Settings
    • 15 Nov 2023
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    General Advanced Settings

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    Article Summary

    Enabling Progressive File Retrieval

    By default, when retrieving a file from the bucket on demand (when an application attempts to open its stub counterpart on the source), Wasabi Cloud NAS starts retrieving data from the offset requested by the application (with most applications this is the beginning of the file) and consecutively retrieves the rest, unless you close the file before reading it to its end. You can disable the progressive retrieval of data and configure WCN to retrieve only the portion of the file that is currently being read by the application as long as the respective application supports reading only portions of a file.

    To enable/disable progressive file retrieval:

    1. In the left pane of the Wasabi Cloud NAS Configuration interface, click Global Settings.
    2. In the right pane, select Enable progressive retrieval to let WCNretrieve the whole file.
      Uncheck the Enable progressive retrieval option to let WCN retrieve just the portion of the file that is currently being read.

      A red exclamation mark appears to the left of Global Settings to indicate that a setting has been changed, though not yet applied:
    3. Click Apply.

    Enabling and Configuring Ransomware Protection

    To prevent replication of files that have been encrypted on your source due to a ransomware attack, WCN provides you with a fail-safe setting that automatically pauses replication once specific conditions are present. As ransomware attacks usually result in the encryption of as many files as possible, WCN lets you specify the maximum number of already replicated files, queued for replication, because they have been modified on the source. If WCN detects more files in the queue than the number you have specified, it perceives that as abnormal and prevents their replication. You can delete the encrypted files, retrieve from the bucket their unencrypted copies, and then resume normal operations. This setting protects only already replicated data and prevents WCN from overwriting a healthy copy on the bucket with an encrypted version. WCN cannot prevent a ransomware attack on your source.

    By default, when you enable WCN ransomware protection, the maximum number of files triggering the protection mechanism is 600. You can change this number depending on your specific workload calculations. You can use the statistics about data managed by WCN as a starting point (see Monitoring Data Management Statistics). You should also keep in mind that:

    • The maximum number of files, which triggers the protection mechanism, is valid for each configured source i.e. the workload on one source may differ from that on another.
    • A replicated file, which has been modified on the source is replicated again once it meets the replication policy criteria but is added to the WCN queue immediately after it has been modified on the source (i.e., the longer the time interval in the replication policy, the bigger the chance that healthy files stay in the queue, waiting to be replicated anew).

    You can disable the WCN ransomware protection mechanism at any time, thus guaranteeing that no matter how many replicated files are queued to be replicated again, automatic WCN operations are never paused.

    To enable and configure the ransomware protection mechanism:

    1. In the left pane of the Wasabi Cloud NAS Configuration interface, click Global Settings.
    2. In the right pane, select Enable ransomware protection.
    3. Enter the desired number in the Maximum modified files to trigger box.

      A red exclamation mark appears to the left of Global Settings to indicate that a setting has been changed, though not yet applied:
    4. Click Apply.
    5. A message indicates that WCN must be restarted in order for settings changes to take effect. Click Yes to restart.

    Disabling Ransomware Protection

    1. In the left pane of the Wasabi Cloud NAS Configuration interface, click Global Settings.
    2. In the right pane, clear the Enable ransomware protection check box.

      A red exclamation mark appears to the left of Global Settings to indicate that a setting has been changed.
    3. Click Apply.