How do I change the email address associated with my Wasabi account?
    • 18 Dec 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    How do I change the email address associated with my Wasabi account?

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    Article summary

    In order to change the email address associated with your Wasabi account, you would need to do the following steps from the root account login ONLY (sub-user login will not have this capability even with WasabiAdministratorAccess privileges):  

    1. Log in to the Wasabi Web Console ( be sure to log in with the root login ID rather than an alias) and select the Settings tab from the menu on the left side of the page:

    2. Select Update Email Address and enter the new email you would like to use twice:  mceclip1.png

    3. You will receive an email to your new login id / email account with a link to confirm this. It will require that you then log into the Wasabi Management Console using the OLD root login id/email and the existing password. Once you do that, the account will be updated and from then on, subsequent logins will be with the new login id/email and all notifications will be sent to that address.

    NOTE: You will also get a confirmation email sent to the OLD address, just to make sure that these things are not undertaken without informing the original address. Be sure that this old email account will not BOUNCE.

    NOTE: If you are getting an error "Something went wrong updating your email", you may find this article helpful.