BackupAssist Classic With Wasabi
    • 16 Jan 2025
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    BackupAssist Classic With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use BackupAssist Classic with Wasabi?

    BackupAssist Classic has been validated for use with Wasabi. For information on how BackupAssist Classic works with Wasabi, please visit this page. Follow the steps outlined below to configure Wasabi as a backup destination.

    1. Prerequisites

    2. Backup to Wasabi

    2.1 Launch the BackupAssist Classic Console


    2.2 Click “+ Create a New Backup Job” and then select “Cloud Backup”


    2.3 In the “Selections” tab, select the files, folders, and applications that you want to back up, and click “Next”

    2.4 In the “Destination media” tab, select “Wasabi” and click “Next”

    2.5 In the “Schedule” tab, select either the “Basic” or “Grandfather-father-son” scheme and select the desired backup time, then click “Next”


    2.6 In the “Set up destination” tab, provide the following :

    • Bucket Name - provide a globally unique name. BackupAssist Classic will create a bucket using this name in your Wasabi account

    • Region - Select the region in wish you want to store your data. Click on the "..." and the following selection list will appear

    • Access Key ID - input your Wasabi Access Key

    • Secret Access Key - input your Wasabi Secret Key

    • Encryption Password & Confirm Encryption Password - will be used to encrypt the backup. BackupAssist Classic’s Cloud Backup encrypts all data before sending it to Wasabi

    Click on "Check Destination". BackupAssist will access your Wasabi account using the security keys and create a storage bucket with the name provided.

    Note: This config example discusses the use of Wasabi's us-east-2 storage region. To use other Wasabi storage regions, please use the appropriate Wasabi service URL as described in this article.

    2.7 Click “Next”

    2.8 In the “Name your backup” tab, provide a name and description for the backup job, and then click “Next”

    2.9 The backup job is now configured and displayed in the “Manage backup jobs” screen

    2.10 Select the job and click “Run” from the toolbar, and then choose “Run” from the popup

    2.11 The progress and report for the job can be seen in the “Monitor running backup jobs” screen

    2.12 The backup will now be visible in the “backupassist” folder in your Wasabi account