Bacula Enterprise Edition With Wasabi
    • 13 Jun 2024
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    Bacula Enterprise Edition With Wasabi

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    How do I use Bacula Enterprise Edition with Wasabi?

    To use Bacula Enterprise Edition with Wasabi, please follow the config steps below:

    1. Create a Wasabi API key set (if you don't already have one) and S3 bucket for Bacula in the Wasabi web portal.

    2. On the Bacula Storage Daemon (SD) the S3 Cloud Plugin for Bacula Enterprise Edition needs to be installed. This will enable the SD to sync your data to S3 compatible cloud storage providers.

    3. With the S3 Cloud Plugin installed, you can now configure a Cloud{} and Device{} resource in your Bacula SD configuration file (bacula-sd.conf) as follows:

    Cloud {
       Name = "WasabiS3-cloud"
       Driver = "S3"
       HostName = ""
       BucketName = "bvolumes"
       AccessKey = "GL9ZJQE9BDQ9KPI1GNRF"
       SecretKey = "zlqlqeVYpWVBBojvddhvN034oldJev9XRwAZMg45"
       Protocol = "HTTPS"
       UriStyle = "VirtualHost"
       Truncate Cache = "AfterUpload"
       Upload = "EachPart"
       Region = "us-east-1"
       MaximumUploadBandwidth = 1MB/s
    Device {
       Name = "c7beesd1-wasabiS3-dev"
       Device Type = "Cloud"
       Cloud = "WasabiS3-cloud"
       MaximumPartSize = 2M
       MaximumFileSize = 2M
       MediaType = "cloudS3-media"
       ArchiveDevice = "/backup/cloud"
       LabelMedia = "Yes"
       RandomAccess = "Yes "
       AutomaticMount = "Yes"
       RemovableMedia = "No"
       AlwaysOpen = "No"
       MaximumConcurrentJobs = 5

    Please note that the Bacula directive (i.e. key = value pair) called BucketName needs to match the name of the bucket that you created in the Wasabi web interface. Access and secret key can also be exported from the Wasabi interface. The Bacula cloud driver needs to be ’S3’ in this case. Instead of a single Device{} resource you can also dene a virtual Autochanger{} with more than one device. For the ’Region’ only us-east-1 can be selected with Wasabi at this point in time.

    1. Once the Storage Daemon configuration has been applied, you create a backup job on the Bacula Director (DIR) as usual and point the Storage directive on the DIR to the newly created cloud target. Backup and restore work without any issue in combination with Wasabi cloud storage.

    Note that this example discusses the use of Wasabi's us-east-1 storage region. To use other Wasabi storage regions, please use the appropriate Wasabi service URL as described in this article.


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