EditShare FLOW With Wasabi
    • 18 Jun 2024
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    EditShare FLOW With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use EditShare FLOW with Wasabi?

    Wasabi has been validated for use with EditShare's FLOW. EditShare FLOW is a media asset management platform that supports and manages all media content, whether located on-premise, in the cloud, or as a hybrid implementation. 

    1. Reference Architecture



    2. Prerequisites

    • EditShare FLOW Advanced license or above

    • FLOW Automation (included in FLOW Advanced license)

    • One or more EFS 300/450 storage nodes

    • An active Wasabi account

    3. Configuration

    FLOW is installed & configured by the EditShare professional services team. For questions please reach out to your EditShare account manager or contact sales@editshare.com.

    Below is a brief overview of the configuration process.

    3.1. Log in to the EditShare portal. Click on FLOW Control.


    3.2. Login to FLOW Control.


    3.3. Click on Storage and click "Add".


    3.4. Provide the following details and click "Add".

    • Name - provide a name for the storage

    • Type - select Wasabi (Generic S3) from the dropdown menu

    • Access Key - Wasabi Access Key

    • Access Secret - Wasabi Secret Key

    • Region - select the region where the Wasabi bucket is located

    • Bucket - provide the name of the Wasabi bucket
