Item Object in Wasabi AiR
    • 20 May 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Item Object in Wasabi AiR

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    Article summary

    An item object contains all of the metadata for an individual item. This article outlines the primary fields maintained by Wasabi AiR, but does not include filetype-specific metadata.

    File Information

    Wasabi AiR extracts and maintains:

    • id - (string) The unique ID for this item.
    • gm_item_type - (string) The asset type that was identified by Wasabi AiR.
    • gm_asset_title - (string) A custom user-provided title for the asset.
    • name - (string) The name of the item.
    • size - (int) The size of the file in bytes.
    • stow_url - (URL string) A URL that uniquely identifies the item.
    • mime_type - (string) The MIME type of the item (if known).
    • last_harvested - (timestamp) The timestamp when the item was last harvested.
    • last_modified - (timestamp) The timestamp when the item was last modified.
    • etag - (string) The string describing the content of the item. If it changes, it indicates that the file has changed.
    • thumbnail - (object) The details about the thumbnail for this item. For more information, see the Thumbnails API.
    • width & height - (int) The dimensions of the item (relates to images and videos).
    • geo - (object) The geolocation information (if known).

    Location and Container

    Wasabi AiR keeps track of where the Item is using a range of container and location specific fields:

    • location_id - (string) The ID of the location of this item.
    • location_kind - (string) The kind of location (for example, azure or s3). For more information, see the Location Kinds API.
    • location_name - (string) A human-readable name of the location.
    • stow_container_id - (string) The ID of the container.
    • stow_container_name - (string) The name of the container.

    Content Hashes

    Wasabi AiR maintains hashes of the content of the item:

    • c4id - (string) The Cinema Content Creation Cloud c4 identifier.
    • md5 - (string) The MD5 checksum of the contents of the file.
    • sha1 - (string) The SHA-1 checksum of the contents of the file.
    • sha512 - (string) The SHA-512 checksum of the contents of the file.

    Obtaining Item Data

    To obtain item data, review the Items API and use the relevant item IDs to obtain specific data.