PUT sub-accounts/:id
- 09 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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PUT sub-accounts/:id
- Updated on 09 Sep 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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Put Sub-Accounts Id
Updates a sub-account with a specific Id to set the channel account it belongs to.
Query Parameters
Request Body
"name": "sample-sub-account",
"password": "********",
"active": true/false,
"purchasedStorageTB": ####################, (max 20-digits)
"sendPasswordResetToSubAccountEmail": true,
"ftpEnabled": true,
"resetKeys": true, (optional)
"trialToPaid": true, (optional)
"trialQuotaTB": #, (unit TB, values can be 1 to 5)
"trialDays": ##,
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"country": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"zip": null,
"mainPhone": "null",
"billingPhone": "null",
"contactEmail": "null",
"billingEmail": "null",
"businessNumber": "null",
"taxId": "null",
"fiscalNumber": null,
"vatNumber": null,
"website": null,
"channelAccountId": ####, (optional)
"id": ####,
"name": "sample-sub-account",
"wasabiAccountNumber": ####,
"creationDate": "2024-01-18T07:15:49.000Z",
"status": "ON_TRIAL", (can have values: PAID_ACCOUNT, ON_TRIAL, or SUSPENDED)
"imageUrl": null,
"sendPasswordResetToSubAccount": true,
"ftpEnabled": true,
"trialQuotaTB": #, (unit TB, values can be 1 to 5)
"trialExpiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"purchasedStorageTB": null,
"accessKey": "A5PZSAJ3CEG55D9MF39A",
"secretKey": "ueD6VQAmroVJvytqpfUqIGkFho0jSeecSK7Pe7DV",
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"country": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"zip": null,
"mainPhone": "null",
"billingPhone": "null",
"contactEmail": "null",
"billingEmail": "null",
"businessNumber": "null",
"taxId": "null",
"fiscalNumber": null,
"vatNumber": null,
"website": null,
"channelAccountId": null,
"channelAccountName": null,
"controlAccountId": ####,
"controlAccountName": "Wasabi Demo",
"governanceAccountId": null,
"governanceAccountName": null,
"ssoEnabled": false,
"activeStorage": 0,0,
"deletedStorage": 0,0
- Wasabi Admin/Staff/Support should see the above response.
- Governance users will not see "governanceAccountId" and "governanceAccountName".
- Control Account users will not see "governanceAccountId", "governanceAccountName", "controlAccountId", and "controlAccountName".