Account Data Deletion
    • 03 Feb 2025
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Account Data Deletion

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    Article summary

    When is the data in the WSC account deleted?

    Data uploaded to the cloud is extremely safe with WSC. Data in the cloud is deleted automatically when the corresponding local file is deleted (that is, when the VMS deletes the file after the retention period has been reached or if someone deletes camera files locally).

    Deleting a connection between a source and a target does not delete any data in the cloud. A warning message lets you know when you are about to end up with orphan stub files (in case you want to retrieve any associated data back from the cloud before deleting the pair). As long as the bucket remains untouched in the cloud, it is always easy to reconnect to regain access to your data.

    If you want to test the disaster recovery, always delete the source-pair association (Delete Source) to break the connections with the cloud before deleting any local file. Also, if you delete files in the cloud bucket directly, the WSC will not be aware and assume that the data is still there. The WSC will not replicate these files again and assumes that any local stub files still point to the valid data.