Getting Started With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager
    • 07 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Getting Started With Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager

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    Article summary

    When you sign up for WCSM, Wasabi will provide you with access to the WCSM Console and the ability to safely add credentials, add bucket information, and view the status of migration jobs. Once bucket information and credentials are entered, the Wasabi migration team will begin migration based on an agreed-upon schedule.

    Cost Associated With WCSM

    The cloud-to-cloud migration service has associated migration charges. All third-party cloud to Wasabi migration is a paid managed offering from Wasabi. The majority of the charges associated with migration are rendered as egress fees to the cloud vendor where the data currently resides. However, due to the way that WCSM is architected, you will not incur any egress fees directly from the hyperscaler. The charges from Wasabi are typically much lower than the egress fees hyperscalers charge customers, due to the presence of direct connect transport connections between Wasabi and the third-party cloud vendors. There may be charges from the hyperscaler directly to you if the source includes data in archival storage that needs to be restored.


    You do not need to install new software in your environment. You just need an Internet browser and Internet connection to access the WCSM portal.


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