Displaying and Exporting Consumption Data and Account Information in Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 04 Oct 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    Displaying and Exporting Consumption Data and Account Information in Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Displaying Consumption Data, Invoices, and Account Information

    With WACM, you can access a sub-account's historical usage and bucket consumption data, invoices, and account information. 

    On the Channel Accounts Sub-Accounts page, click the sub-account for which you want to access data.  The selected sub-account page is displayed.

    For details on exporting data, see Exporting Data From WACM, later on this page.

    Displaying Usage Data

    The Usage page is displayed automatically when you select a sub-account and provides the latest historical usage data for the sub-account.

    The Usage page includes the following metrics for the sub-account:

    • Amount of active storage
    • Amount of deleted storage
    • Amount of storage written
    • Amount of storage read
    • Number of active objects
    • Number of deleted objects
    • Amount of egress
    • Amount of ingress
    • Number of API calls
    Each row in the Usage table represents a single day. For example, Active Storage and Deleted Storage amounts reflect active and deleted storage at the end of the selected day.

    Filtering Usage Data

    You can choose a time period from the date selection drop-down to query historical usage data.

    1. Click the date selection drop-down to choose a time period.

    2. Optionally, you can export the results to CSV, Excel, or JSON file format: 

    Displaying Bucket Data

    The Buckets page provides the latest consumption data for each bucket stored in the sub-account. 

    1. Click the Buckets tab to display a list of buckets.

      The Buckets page includes the following data and metrics for each bucket listed:

      • Bucket name
      • Region where the bucket is stored
      • Amount of active storage
      • Amount of deleted storage
      • Number of active objects
      • Number of deleted objects
      • Bucket number
      • Record Date
      • Status
    2. Click on a bucket name in the list to display additional information for that bucket. For example, bucket ccc-bucket-02 was selected from the list:

      The Bucket page includes the following data and metrics for the selected bucket:

      • Start and end time
      • Amount of active storage
      • Amount of deleted storage
      • Amount of storage written
      • Amount of storage read
      • Number of active objects
      • Number of deleted objects
      • Amount of egress
      • Amount of ingress
      • Number of API calls
    3. Optionally, you can export the results to CSV, Excel, or JSON file format: 

    Displaying Invoice Data

    The Invoices page provides historical data based on bucket data. Users of the platform can access all of the invoices for a sub-account. 

    1. Click the Invoices tab to display a list of invoices for a sub-account.

    2. Hover your cursor at the bottom of the page to display the scroll bar for viewing all columns.

      The Invoices page includes the following data and metrics for each bucket:

      • Invoice number
      • Start and end period dates
      • Total amount due
      • Amount of active storage
      • Cost of active storage unit
      • Total cost of active storage
      • Amount of deleted storage
      • Cost of a deleted storage unit
      • Total cost of deleted storage
      • Number of API calls
      • Cost of an API call unit
      • Total cost of API calls
      • Amount of ingress
      • Cost of an ingress unit
      • Total cost of ingress
      • Amount of egress
      • Cost of an egress unit
      • Total cost of egress
      • Minimum amount of active storage
      • Cost of a minimum active storage unit
      • Total cost of minimum active storage
    3. Optionally, you can export the results to CSV, Excel, or JSON file format:  

    Displaying Account Information

    The Account Information page provides sub-account profiles for User accounts to identify their customers/users. A user should fill in the available sections.

    Sub-accounts cannot see or access any of the information you input here.
    1. With the Sub-Accounts page displayed for the selected account, click the Account tab. The sub-account profile is displayed. For example:

    2. In the Account Information section, you can enter/change the name of the sub-account. And, you can upload a profile picture (or remove it). However, the following fields are filled automatically and cannot be changed:
      • Partner Type
      • Account Type
    3. In the Contact Information and Business Information sections, you can enter/change any of the fields.
    4. In the Sub-Account Information section, you can toggle Send Password Reset to Sub-Account Email and FTP Enabled fields.
    5. Click Update to save the information.

    Exporting Data From WACM

    You can export the following data:

    • List of all sub-accounts under management.
    • Usage data per sub-account.
    • Usage data per bucket on the Sub-Accounts page.
    • Invoice data on the Sub-Accounts page.
    • All sub-accounts invoice data.
    • Invoice data for a single Sub-Account.
    • Invoice data for a single Control Account invoice or invoice period.

    To export data:

    1. Filter and/or search for data, as described in Filtering and Searching Sub-Accounts.
    2. Click the Export button when it is available on the Sub-Accounts or Invoices page (often in conjunction with a search or filter):
      The currently displayed data will be exported.
    3. Select the file format (CSV, Excel, JSON) used to export the data. 

    4. Click Export and the file will be exported in the selected export format.