Managing Sub-Account Utilization Tracking and Notifications in Wasabi Account Control Manager
    • 11 Jun 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Managing Sub-Account Utilization Tracking and Notifications in Wasabi Account Control Manager

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    Article summary

    How do I manage Sub-Account Utilization Tracking and Notifications in Wasabi Account Control Manager?

    Sub-Account Utilization Tracking is the only way in the Wasabi Account Control Manager (WACM) ( to receive notifications about how much storage your end-user is storing compared to how much they purchased from you. This metric is called "Storage Utilization" and is a calculation of (Sub-Account Active + Deleted storage) / Purchased Storage. A pre-requisite to this article is the How do I use Purchased Storage and Sub-Account Utilization? article. This pre-requisite article will help to explain the Purchased Storage and Storage Utilization metrics. 

    Sub-Account Utilization Thresholds

    Utilization Thresholds are thresholds set in your Account tab, when you access your Account Profile. These Thresholds determine two things: 

    1. The colorization of the Storage Utilization Column in the Sub-Account page. 

    2. At what percentage of Storage Utilization you get Utilization Threshold notifications. Essentially, when do you want to receive notifications about Sub-Accounts nearing their Purchased Storage value.


    Who can modify the Utilization Thresholds?

    Only Control Account Admins, Governance Admins, Governance Staff, Governance Plus Admins, and Governance Plus Staff can modify these Utilization Thresholds. 

    Email Notifications

    As a part of this update, users can choose to Enable or Disable two types of email notifications: A Daily Utilization Email Report and a Utilization Threshold Notification. This can be done from the user's profile page. 


    Who can toggle these notifications on and off?

    Control Account Users can turn on/off both types of email notifications for themselves. Governance Plus Admin, Governance Plus Staff, Governance Admin, and Governance Staff can also turn on/off email notifications for users that belong to their Control Accounts.

    Daily Utilization Email Report

    The Daily Utilization Email Report provides an overview of Sub-Account data. Additionally, the top 10 Sub-Accounts with the most stored data are listed in the email. To receive this email daily, click the Daily Report email toggle to 'on' (blue).


    Once the Daily Utilization Report is turned on, you will receive a report each day at approximately 22:00 UTC.




    Utilization Threshold Notification

    As noted previously, each of these Utilization Thresholds are configurable. Notifications can be turned on for each of the three levels of Utilization. To receive this email when a Sub-Account crosses a Utilization Threshold, click the Level 1, Level 2, and or Level 3 Utilization email toggle to 'on' (blue). You will only receive emails related to specific Utilization Thresholds if you have turned them on and a Sub-Account crosses said Threshold. Image6.png

    Once these toggles are set as you wish to receive notifications, any Sub-Account who crosses a specific Utilization Threshold that you have turned on notifications for will appear like the email below.


    Translated Emails for Utilization Report and Threshold Notification

    Users will receive these two types of emails in the language they chose in WACM. The application saves the language that the user chose and sends both the Daily Utilization Email Report and Utilization Threshold Notification emails in the user's preferred language. 

    Send Test Email

    Users can send a test email via a "Send test email" function. This will deliver a sample Daily Report to your email and confirm that you can successfully receive the reports. 



    Who can receive these email notifications?

    At this point, only Control Account users (of all types) can receive these email notifications about their Sub-Accounts.