Hiscale With Wasabi
    • 19 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Hiscale With Wasabi

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    Article summary

    How do I use Hiscale with Wasabi?

    Multiple Hiscale products have been validated with Wasabi. For detailed instructions on how to configure these products to work with Wasabi, please click on the appropriate links provided below.

    Hiscale FLICS

    FLICS is the next-generation solution for video transcoding, file-based ingest, and live video publishing using a containerized architecture with hybrid deployment options to provide high-quality video processing

    Hiscale JOBS

    JOBS is a media file workflow engine that simplifies and manages the complexities of integrated multi-vendor video supply chains by providing ready-made integrations to third-party solutions as well as open interfaces for users to create their own extensions.