Configuring the Storage Extension for Milestone XProtect
    • 06 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Configuring the Storage Extension for Milestone XProtect

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    Article summary

    Use the Extension option to make your local volume appear bigger and infinitely scalable. This functionality can be activated on your Recording storage(s), your Archive(s), or both. It can be activated with or without Disaster Recovery (DR). When activated with DR, Extension uses a subset of the data already replicated on the DR target.

    Configuring the Storage Extension

    1. Start the Milestone XProtect Management Client application.
    2. In the WSC section of the navigation menu, click Extension.
    3. Click Enable for each volume where Extension is desired.

    4. Configure your cloud target by entering the following.

      Server URL — Set this to the appropriate region service URL.
      Access Key — This will be auto-populated.
      Secret Key — This will be auto-populated.

      Click List buckets and select the bucket you want to use as the target for the recordings.

      If Disaster Recovery has already been configured for this volume, you will NOT be prompted for your storage account details as your data will NOT be replicated twice. The same bucket is used.
      Make sure you select a DIFFERENT bucket/container for EACH volume.

      Click OK when you are done.

    5. Choose By Age to keep camera data locally for a specific amount of time or choose By Size to keep it until your local drive reaches a specified capacity threshold. When either condition is met, content is removed and replaced by zero-byte stub files. Data is safely kept in the cloud until the retention time set on your storage volume is met. Make sure you maintain enough “free” space on your recording drive to ensure Milestone has enough room to continue recording during an internet outage.

    6. To start the replication process, switch Inactive to Active (top right).

    Within a minute, WSC will display the percentage of local data that has been replicated to the cloud.